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Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?教学设计

CStep 1

Greet the class as usual.  

  Step Lead in

1.Introduce myself and teach the vocabulary: turn down . turn up.

2.Review some request sentences and show the topic: Would you mind turning down the music? Teach the topic.

CStep Presentation

T: Look at the picture. The music is too loud. The boy doesn’t want to listen.What should you do?

S: turn down the music.

T: What should he say?

S: Would you mind turning down the music?

Then tell students how to answer

Show four pictures and let students  learn “would you mind doing sth?” “would you mind not doing sth?”  talk about the other pictures like that.

StepIV Practice

1.Read the conversations and use the target language to practice the pictures above.

S1Would you mind turning down the music?

S2: No. not at all./ Sorry,I’ll do it right away.

2,teacher asks some request sentences using the target language.

StepV Ask students to turn to page52.Finish Activity1a.Match the requests with the things in the picture.Write letters a--d in the correct boxes.

StepVI 1b

.Listen and number the requests1--4 in the order you hear them.The first time,you just listen.The second time,you number.After listening, check the answers.

StepVII Speakong

Give four pictures, ask students to use the target language “Would you mind (not)doing sth” to talk about the pictures.Then ask some pairs to act out.

StepVIII Writing

Finish a note. Larry is sleeping late. His mother left a note on his door. Look at the pictures and complete the note.then ask some students to read their notes.

StepIX Summary

This class, we’ve learned a word “yard” and some phrases. We have also learned the target language “Would you mind (not)doing sth?”.

StepX Homework

Use “Would you mind (not)doing sth?”to make conversations.Next time I’ll ask some students to read your conversations to the class.

StepXI  Blackboard Design

Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?

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