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牛津8B期末复习9 教案



Unit 5


Terminal Revision






1.      Revise Unit 5


1.      直接引语变为间接引语

2.      ‘used to’ and ‘be used to’


一、重点词汇:blindness, affect, case, cure, prevent(ion), medical, treat(ment), operate, operation,

              patient, grateful, proud, illness, repair, serious, international, educate, improve;

二、短语词组:pocket money, be used to doing, be kind to sb, used to do, health care, perform

operation, operate/do an operation on sb, carry on (with sth), tell sb not to do sth, far away (from), make a donation, the United Nations, set up, care about, on the farm, get good grades

三、结构句型:I’m too weak to walk.

Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries

The good news is that 80% of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented.

By training local doctors and nurses we hope to help more people.

All we need is eough meoney to carry on with our work.

UNICEF wants to make the world a better place for children.

I left a book at your place yesterday.

I spent a lot of money on going out to restaurants and cinemas.



直接引用别人所说的话,被引用的句子被称为直接引语;用自己的话来转述别人的话,被转述的部分被称为间接引语。直接引语和间接引语在句中常作say, tell, ask, answer, think等动词的宾语。直接引语一般出现在引号之内。直接引语转化为间接引语时,由于转述时人称、时间和地点状语通常会发生变化,所以间接引语中人称、时态、指示代词、时间和地点都应根据具体情况进行相应的转化,不同种类的句子转化方法略有不同。但目前为止我们所学的主要变化的是人称,而时态、时间和地点一般不变。

直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时常由that引导(可省略),引语的动词常用say, tell等。如:The teacher siad, “Mike, you must bring your book to the class.”

The teacher told Mike (that) he must bring his book to the class.

直接引语是一般疑问句时,转化为间接引语时需用连词if(是否)来引导,并把问句变为陈述句的语序。如:Mary asked, “Mum, can you buy me a new dress?”

             Mary asked her mother if she can buy her a new dress.


 The teacher asked the new student, “Where are you from?”

 The teacher asked the new student where he is ffrom.

直接引语为祈使句,变为间接引语时多用 “ask/tell/orer+sb.+ to do”结构。如:

 She said to him, “Come at five o’clock.”

 She told him to come at five o’clock.

(二)‘used to’ ‘be used to’

“used to”意为“过去经常做某事(而现在不了)”,表示过去的习惯或存在的情况,后面跟动词的话,要用动词的原形。如:I used to come to see my grndpa every week.我过去每个星期都去看望我爷爷。(但现在不去了)

“be used to”可解释为“习惯于”,后面跟动词的话要用现在分词。如:We are used to his carelessness. 我们习惯了他的粗心大意。再如:We can’t be used to living in such a small room.我们无法习惯于住在这样一个小房间里。


1、误:He spends a lot of time on playing computer games.

正:He spends a lot of time (in) playing computer games.


  2、误:Wood is used to making paper.

正:Wood is used to make paper.

解析:此处的be used to意为“被用来做…”,是被动语态的一种用法,所以use后跟的是不定式to do的结构。另外此句还可变为:Wood is used for making paper.



1.       Have you ever spoken to a __________ (foreign).

2.       The books give us __________ (know) and make us happy.

3.       Are you interested in __________ (collect) stamps?

4.       I felt very __________ (excite) when I heard the __________ (excite) news.

5.       Her sister hasn’t come back, so her parents look __________ (real) worried.

6.       She thought the young man was a queue __________ (jump).

7.       You can help him by __________ (give) some money and __________ (introduce) him a job.

8.       It is raining outside now, so they decide4 to stay at home instead of __________ (go) out.

9.       These children’s __________ (life) have saved by this young doctor.

10.   I already know UNICEF, but I want to find __________ (many) information on the Internet.


 (    ) 1. Please say thanks ______ me. I’m busy now.

         A. to         B. for        C. with         D. at

 (    ) 2. Linda said the moon ______ round the earth.

         A. travelled      B. travelling     C. travels      D. will travel

 (    ) 3. Dr Ma misses his family when he is ______ away.

         A. out        B. left        C. leaving        D. away

 (    ) 4. ______ she ______ fly by air?

         A. Did, use to    B. Did, used to   C. Is, use to    D. Is, used to

 (    ) 5. he hurt her ______ badly ______ she had to se a doctor.

         A. too, that      B. so, that      C. either, or      D. too, to

 (    ) 6. It ______ me two weeks ______ letters to Jennie.

         A. spends, in writing  B. costs, on writing   C. spends, on   D. takes, to write

 (    ) 7. Stamps are used ______ letters.

         A. to sending      B. for send       C. sending      D. to send

 (    ) 8. Please tell me ______ last year.

         A. where does your sister work       B. where did your sister work

         C. where your sister worked         D. where your sister works


1  好的消息上许多人都知道了英语的重要性。


2  我过去经常睡懒觉,但现在我习惯早起了。


3  我姐姐通过打电话来支持我的学习。


4  她告诉我们Mary真的很关心其他人。


5  我为我们能取得好成绩而感到骄傲。



It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easy to         __________

fall into had habits than into good one. Bad habits do not come        __________

suddenly. One cannot be aware of(意识到)their dangerous when    __________

they come little by little. When schoolboys cannot write their

lessons, they copy them for their classmates. If they see bigger        __________

boys smoking, they also want learn to smoke. If they see their        __________

friends gambling(赌博), they wanted to gamble. When they get    __________

bigger, habits become strong, so that they can no longer get          __________

rid of(除去)it. From copying, they learn to steal, from gambling,   __________

they learn to cheat. At last, they become distrusted (不严格)              

by somebody. It is necessary for us to get rid of the bad habits        __________

at the beginning, or they should overcome(克服)us at the end.     __________


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