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推销员总是无孔不入的,不论是以前的上门推销、信件推销,到发生这则对话里的电话推销,打折(discount)、会员试用制(trial membership),各种花样层出不穷,此则电话内容读来也十分有趣,MrPhilips真是决不上当受骗。



BGood morningsirIs this MrCharles Philips

AYesit is

BWellMrPhilipsThis eveningI'm ________1to offer you a special discount on....

AAhnolet me ________2).You want to sell a subscription(订阅费)to the newspaper

BNono...MrJonesOhsorryThat was the last guyUhwe want ________3you a free trial membership to our sports club downtown ________4)$3995...

AThirty-nine ninety-fiveI thought you said ________5)!UhlistenI'm not interested

BWellit includes racket ball courtsa swimming pool...

AAgainI'm ________6).I have my own fitness(健身)program I do around the house anyway

BWellthis is a once-in-a-lifetime deal

ANahLike I saidI'll ________7this timeAnd please put me on yourdon't calllist

BOKIt'll take ________8four and six months before your name will be removed from our database(资料库).You might ________9by another man during that time


B________10a nice evening MrWilliams




ATerrawould you do me a big favour(恩惠),please


AWill you just take my clothes down and ________1in the washing machine

BSureNo problem

AOhand if you don't ________2),could you just put some detergent in the machine and get it going

BOKI think I can do that

AOhwould you take my clothes ________3the washing machine when I don't return before four


AAnd if there's not ________4troublewould you put them in the dryer


AAlsoif I'm still not back by the ________5my clothes are drywill you take them out of the dryer and fold(叠)themYou knowmy shirts will wrinkle(打皱)________6they aren't folded right away


BBy the wayif I'm still outwill you cook something for me

AGeorgemy dear brotherI'll agree to do this oncebut I'm not making your ________7).Sorry


Akibo的汽车被撞坏了,心痛不已, Lisa来接他走,说保险(insurance)公司或肇事司机会赔偿他的,于是Akibo决定将汽车送到最贵的汽车修理厂(body shop)去,想教训一下肇事司机。

AkiboI'm so upset(我太气愤了).Wait till I get a hold of themI'll teach them

LisaIt's OKAkiboTheir insurance will ________1for the damages(损失).

AkiboIt's betterNobody messes(胡搞)with my car and gets away with ________2).

LisaYour car might not be ________3to driveWait thereI'll come and ________4you home

AkiboMy poor carI hate to leave it here

LisaIt'll ________5fineNobody's going to steal it now

AkiboNoI guess ________6).

LisaWe'll have it towed(拖走)tomorrowA body shop can ________7you an estimate(估价)for the repairs

AkiboI need to ________8one that won't ask me to pay too much

LisaYou won't need to payThe person ________9did thisor their insurance companywill

AkiboIn that caseI'll show themLet's go to the most expensive ________10in town

【电脑版】 【触屏版】