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人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 56教学设计
Lesson 56 教学设计示例

 Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

 Teaching Objectives:

  1. Practise listening comprehension.

  2. Understand the text.

  3. Master the forms of writing a diary.

 Language focus: hear somebody doing something/do sth, have the picture taken, drop off

 Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check homework, and then revise the story of Miyoko’s school trip.

  III. Presentation

  Part 1. Ask the students to read Miyoko’s diary and put the pictures in the right order, check the answers with the whole class .Then play die tape for the students to listen and repeat. Explain some language points and pay attention to the forms of writing letters.

  IV. Practice

  Ask the students to do Exercise 2. Write Miyoko’s diary for April 3rd and April 4th. Guess and write what she said at the last three places .

  V. Listening

  Let the students go through the sentences in Exercise I in the workbook, then play the tape, ask the students to check their answers, listen again, repeat the sentences, then ask the students to go through the sentences of Exercise 2 in the workbook. Ask the students to match the questions from the tape with the following answers. Check the answers with the whole class.

  VI. Practice

  Part 4. Ask the students to answer the questions about Miyoko’s school trip in pairs. Then Checkpoint 14

  Go through the grammar part.

  1. The Past Perfect Tense.

  2. The Adverbial Clause with so. . . that and so that. Give the students more practice in the use of these grammars. Practise the useful expressions and make sure the students can under their meanings.

  VII. Workbook

  Exercise 3 should be done orally in class, then practise the dialogue with the whole class.

  IX. Homework

  1. Finish off the rest exercises in the workbook.

  2. Make a shopping dialogue in pairs.

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