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人教版初三Unit 14 Shopping Lesson 55教学设计
Lesson 55 教学设计示例

 Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

 Teaching Objectives: Learn Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

 Language focus: 1. Grammar: the Past Perfect Tense

          2. so. . . that, so that . . .

 Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims.

  II. Revision

  Ask the students to read the text, then get several students to retell the story.

  III. Presentation

  Look at the picture and say;

  1. Miyoko bought a camera so that she could take pictures in Beijing.

  2. Tom got up early so that he could catch the early bus. Ask the students to pay attention to the structure. Let the students make up some sentences with so that....

  IV. Practice

  Do Exercise 1. Read through the sentences with the students - Pay attention to the phrases: go over, make mistakes, get wet in the rain.

  V. Presentation

  Make up some examples: 1.I am so angry that I can’t say a word. 2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him. 3. The question is so difficult that nobody in our class can answer it. 4. The car cost so much that she didn’t buy it. 5. The box is so difficult that he can’t carry it. Ask the students to pay attention to the structure. So + adj./ adv. + that + . . . Let them make up some sentences with it.

  VI. Practice

  Look at Exercise 2. Read through the words in the box, make up an example, let the students make up more sentences with each other. Then collect the sentences from the students. Pay attention to the followings, let the students understand them,

  It took me an hour to do my homework.

  I spent an hour in doing my homework. (on my homework. )

  I paid five yuan for the book.

  The book cost me five yuan.

  Discuss the Simple Past forms of cost/ hit / hurt/ let / cut/ put. Listen to the sentence

  1. Miyoko had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the camera.

  2. Miyoko had bought a pair of leather tennis shoes before she went to Beijing.

  The Past Perfect Tense is used here .Its structure is Had + Past Participle

  e.g. 1. He had left before his wife came back.

  2.I remembered that Peter had already got a driving licence.

  Let the students have the clear concept first. Then Do Exercise 3. Look and say. Ask the students to talk about each picture with their partner.

  VII. Workbook

  Do Exercise 1. Let the students write down the answers: 1. had stopped 2. had heard  3. had gone 4. had begun 5. hurried, had gone

  Do Exercise 2 in class. The answers are: broke, happened, locked, left, came, had broken, had forgotten, left, leave, had happened, Have, lust, lost

  IX. Homework

  1. Make up six sentences using “so that” “so…that”.

  2. Finish Exercise 3 in the workbook.

  3. Write three important changes that had taken place in your hometown by the end of last year.

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